Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Start of Something Good!

So yes, I've decided to blog about being a single mom and me trying to find love again. I have decided to put myself out there because I feel that is the only way that I will follow up with what I'm doing. I guess I have to be help accountable for the B.S that I think is my dating life.
I haven't been in a relationship since last summer and that was a long distance relationship. This person found me on Facebook and I hadn't seen him since I was 8 years old. The conversations took me way back, to a time where life was simple. I remembered him because of how much he remembered me. Things were good. It was the phone calls and the text messages. I had surgery and he was the one that called and talked to me until the doped me up. It was good. We had so much in common. But then we decided I would fly to see him. It all seemed good until I was actually there and I realized that we were not sexually compatible. It was like watching paint dry. I really could have had a V8. So bad that we had double beds and for the remainder of my stay I slept alone.
I refuse to do this to myself again. I will not and can not subject myself to being in a relationship just because I'm lonely. That is for the birds.
This blog will chronicle my love life or lack there of and my journey through motherhood. I have four children in age ranges from 19 down to 4. I will take my children into consideration while dating but I will not not date because of them. I know that I have to be careful with whom I bring home but I will not bring anyone home. I will use all the sense that the good Lord has given me but I will also do a few things that I wouldn't do.
I can't promise to blog everyday but I will blog every chance that I get and be as truthful as I can be.
I want to thank everyone in advance for reading and taking this journey with me.


  1. Do people still date? I thought that was just a nasty rumor. lol

  2. HAHA! It's an urban legend. I think that it still happens and I guess I'm willing to find out. Tune in so that you can find out also.
